Alignment Quiz

    Alignment Test
    Alignment Test

    Family elders are expressing disapproval of you to the rest of the family. Do you:

    Would you give up a promising career to aid the family in time of need?

    Would you betray a family member to advance your own career?

    Do you respect the leaders of your family?

    If your family had arranged your marriage to someone loathsome, would you:

    You're estranged from a family member. On his deathbed, he seeks reconciliation. Do you:

    A powerful but corrupt judge offers you wealth if you'll testify against your friend. Do you:

    Do you become close to friends, or hold most people at a safe distance?

    Have you ever betrayed a friend?

    How do you view lifelong commitment to a single romantic partner?

    Do you insist on repayment when lending money to friends?

    Are you still in touch with childhood friends?

    Do you donate time and money to improve the local community?

    Your community is threatened with invasion. Do you:

    If you were injured and required immediate assistance, would members of your home town agree to help?

    Do you respect the laws and authorities of the community?

    Do members of your hometown shun, avoid, or mock you?

    Would you stand for office or seek to represent the interests of the community in some public manner?

    Your country is wracked with famine. Would you:

    If offered enough money, would you slip a poison into your king's drink?

    A plague is sweeping across your country. Would you:

    Do you respect the lawful authority of the rulers of the land?

    If you were offered a reasonably lucrative deal, would you spy for a hostile foreign power?

    Do you rely on the government to enforce contracts and property rights?

    If imprisoned, would you injure or kill others to escape?

    Do you accept a noble's right to treat badly the serfs who work on his land?

    You have accidentally committed a crime. Do you:

    If guilty, would you confess to a crime?

    Would you express a revolutionary political opinion if threatened with punishment?

    While traveling, you witness an assault. You are ordered to testify, which will delay your travel significantly. Do you:

    What is the best use of wealth?

    When confronted by beggars, do you:

    By using magic, you could fool village merchants into thinking your copper pieces were made of gold. Do you?

    You have two job offers. One pays more, but the other is secure and steady. Which do you choose?

    What's the best path to wealth?

    If you accepted a job or contract, would you try to finish the task even if it got much more dangerous?

    Alignment Quiz
    Lawful Good

    Lawful Good

    Neutral Good

    Neutral Good

    Chaotic Good

    Chaotic Good

    Lawful Neutral

    Lawful Neutral

    True Neutral

    True Neutral

    Chaotic Neutral

    Chaotic Neutral

    Lawful Evil

    Lawful Evil

    Neutral Evil

    Neutral Evil

    Chaotic Evil

    Chaotic Evil